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Thank you for your interest and support--we mean it.

Welcoming new neighbors from other countries is highly relational and takes more time and intention than packing supply boxes and organizing donations (although it can look like that, too!). We have many different needs for volunteer skills and availability. Please use the list below to see where you could help us. Thank you for being a good neighbor. 

Ready to Volunteer? Click here:

Ways to help - Spring 2025

Global Neighbors is 10 years old this year! We are so grateful to our local community friends and volunteers for getting us to this point. This year, we are facing two big challenges: 1., increasing demand for services as North Dakota employs more foreign-born workers, and 2., major cuts to federal funding for legal immigrants, like refugees. Here are some ways you can help:


Global Neighbors is facing a $60,000 loss of federal funds this year, and another $130,000 this fall. this represents almost half our budget, right when needs are at an all-time high. Your donations really, really matter. You can also help us by setting up fundraiser dinners or nights at your church, civic group, or backyard party. If your company does donation matching, apply! 


Mentoring is a our core program, and most intensive. We train individuals (or families) like you to spend one hour a week with a New American family for a 6-month period. This one-on-one, in-home companionship sets New Americans up for a lifetime of better connection, confidence, and competency within North Dakota. To learn more about mentoring, please visit this page


Central North Dakota is an automotive-based society. Though many of our clients ride used bikes and walk long distances, for many months of the year, cars are the only way to safely get around. Vehicles and insurance can take a long time to save up for--in the meantime, families need to safely access medical appointments, English classes, and grocery runs. Do you have an extra 10 or 15 minutes during the week that we could put you on our ride roster?


Immigration changes and supports usually come from the federal level. Please write your Congressional delegates and express support for refugee programs, funding for adult English and citizenship classes, and just, fair laws.

Within North Dakota, write or call your representatives and express support for creating a welcoming atmosphere for the foreign workers we depend on to survive--increased Adult ELL support, support for the Office of Legal Immigration, and positive rhetoric from the state legislature.


Parlez-vous francais? Interpretation services are a very expensive line item in our budget, costing upwards of $100 per hour. If you speak French, Swahili, Spanish, Arabic, Ukrainian, Russian, Kreyol, Wolof, or Fulani, we could use you! Please do not volunteer for this if you are a developing learner--instead, practicing the language in a menotring role or by giving rides might be a better fit.


If you moved to Vietnam, would you know how to sign your child up for soccer camp? 
Navigating a new system can be confusing, even if you are fluent in the language. We need Americans who know how to find apartment listings, buy used cars, and search for jobs. This can be done on your own time at home, or side by side with clients.

Ready to Volunteer? Click here:

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